At this stage the RH door was off and I needed to remove the original Ford external rear vision mirror which, apart from the glass, was in good shape. Again, two screws only & it shouldn’t take too long. Wrong again! One screw came out very quickly but the other one is right up in the top corner of the door. It would be quite easy if your arm was another metre longer but I had a struggle. After lots of RP7 & with a strong light & a long handled screwdriver, it eventually loosened.
Now that I was able to lie the door across several saw horses, I again started to attack the door pins. These needed to be replaced as there was quite a deal of movement in the door, perhaps as a result of the accident and also a reasonable dent in the side of the door. Using a small bolt with the same diameter as the pin & again with heaps of RP7 & small heavy brickies hammer, I finally got the top pin half out. The bottom pin still would not budge. Very frustrating! Next day, I used the jig saw to cut the half of the top pin that was out & then the remaining part came out without too much trouble. Now for the bottom one – no matter what I did it would not move. Then the heat gun came out & after the smell of burning RP7 & everything else that I had used, I got very physical with the hammer & finally it moved & eventually came out. The removal of these pins was one of the most difficult tasks so far.
LESSON 8: Door pins that have been in the hinge for 39 years don’t come out in 5 minutes! Be prepared for a battle & be patient!
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